Blast from the Past

Profile of Thomas Demetrio
Thomas Demetrio has been an actively involved Governing Board member since 1990. He and his firm, Corboy & Demetrio, have been active supporters of CDEL for decades. Please read CDEL’s interview with Thomas below to learn about his work with CDEL and stay tuned throughout 2024 to learn more about CDEL’s rich history.
How did you learn or become involved in CDEL? What year? What circumstances?
I became involved through my involvement with the Chicago Bar Association and when CDEL was known as the Legal Clinic for the Disabled. I joined CDEL’s Governing Board in 1990 and have served continuously since then.
Describe how you supported CDEL over the years?
Corboy & Demetrio and I have provided financial support to CDEL since the 1980’s. On May 23, 1995, we were presented the Leonard Ring Award in recognition of our “Notable and Ongoing Contributions” to the Legal Clinic for the Disabled. I’ve long believed in the importance of lawyers giving back to the community and am proud to have served on CDEL’s board for the past 24 years.
There are lots of non-profits, why do you support CDEL?
CDEL’s mission is to provide free legal services to low-income seniors and persons with disabilities in the Chicago and wider Cook County. I can’t think of a more worthy cause, and CDEL’s long track record of success is impressive.
What is it about CDEL that inspires you to continue to show your support?
CDEL’s growth is astounding. In 2023, alone, it served 3,029 clients. That’s improving the lives of 3,029 residents of Cook County who either have a disability or struggle financially, or both. That’s truly inspiring. In addition, the leadership of Caroline Manley, Board President Theresa Jaffe, and CDEL’s legal staff are all inspirational.