CDEL Community Clinics

CDEL Volunteers and clients at a CDEL Community Clinic

CDEL operates community legal clinics in high-need communities throughout Cook County. At these clinics, eligible seniors meet with CDEL representatives to gather information so that CDEL can evaluate the senior’s legal issue. CDEL also offers direct legal services, including drafting Powers of Attorney documents and executing estate planning documents. The clinics are held once or twice a month by appointment only.​​

CDEL operates embedded clinics in Auburn Gresham and Austin. The clinics are a consistent access point for seniors and clients with disabilities. The frequency of the clinics provides multiple opportunities for clients to meet with the CDEL attorney in their neighborhood, get connected with the network of community partner organizations present at the clinic sites, and receive trauma-informed legal services which prioritize building trust with clients and their community.

Learn more about how to make an appointment here.