CDEL Adult Guardianship

CDEL Attorney Cheryl Lipton with CDEL Volunteers and client at a Guardianship Workshop

CDEL’s Adult Guardianship Program includes our Guardianship Help Desk, Mobile Workshops in schools and full representation of petitioners seeking guardianship. The Guardianship Help Desk assists self-represented petitioners with completing the paperwork to file for guardianship. We offer both in-person and phone appointments and completed over 600 appointments in 2024. We also go into schools where children who live with a permanent disability transition to adulthood upon their 18th birthdays. We both present educational programs about guardianship and go into the community to assist families with completing the necessary paperwork to file for guardianship. CDEL staff and representatives also fully represent eligible clients in the guardianship process.

Community Partners interested in more information or scheduling a workshop can reach out to CDEL here.